Peggy and Mark are the parents of 3 girls (Desiree, Emma and Sarah). On 11/21/15, their youngest daughter Sarah (5 years old) was found to have a 2 inch tumor on the backside of her brain. The tumor was preventing her spinal fluid from draining. Surgery was done on Sunday 11/22/15. Sarah’s final pathology came back as Medulloblastoma (medium aggression).
The doctors told Sarah’s family to prepare for Sarah to be in the hospital for quite some time. Peggy was out of work for nearly a year in order to care for Sarah as she underwent the necessary surgery and successive treatments. Sara had a few setbacks with infections and reactions to the chemo. Through all of this, the Gonzalez’s went from a 2 income household to a no income household, trying to make ends meet on disability benefits.
Homers for Hope has paid: 11 Mortgage payments, 5 Car payments, 5 electric bills, 4 Cable bills, & 4 water bills.
Update: We are deeply saddened to report that Sarah lost her battle with cancer on June 19th, 2019. She was surrounded by her family and loved ones. We extend our deepest sympathies to her family and friends during this difficult time.