Mikey “Soles” Vazquez was an angel on earth. In addition to being a sneaker fanatic, he helped people and saved people. He was a major contributor to Homers for Hope. He began volunteering in 2017, raising money and participating in 3 softball home run derbies, Raising over $4,333 for the Lucash family, the Rodriguez family, and the Brill family.
Mikey kept their lights on, a roof over their heads, and food on their table for many months as these three families all had tragic events derail their lives.
Mikey tragically fell victim to a fatal heart attack at the tender age of just 31 years old. He has a wife and two young children who now find themselves in a similar situation to all the families that Homers for Hope helps.
Which is why we will be hosting a spring softball Home Run Derby to honor a man who gave so much to others and to help assist his family as they are in need.
This Derby will forever be known as “The Soles Derby”, and the initial proceeds of the event will go to help his family. And in later years will help other local families who’s tragedies are related to heart conditions.
The Soles Derby will be on May 14th 2022 at 10 AM at the Trenton Thunder Stadium.
Donate Today:
If you would like to PLAY IN THE DERBY, you can register for a fundraising page by clicking “Become a Fundraiser”.
We will only accept 25 players in this derby so the first 25 who register and raise the minimum $250 will be allowed to participate. Details about the derby are on that page